About Us
"Curious George Books Bokeh" by Jason Hargrove is licensed using CC BY 2.0
The Little Hands Book Bank encourages families to donate gently-used books their children have outgrown. We clean, sort and package these books into starter libraries, which are given to low-income children who might not otherwise have access to books at home.
Donated books are given directly to children through partner organizations that emphasize education and family literacy in their classrooms, such as Head Start. Each recipient child receives a bag with 12-15 books of their very own to take home.
We are focused on providing books for the very young children in Dallas, Collin and Denton Counties to help them better prepare for kindergarten. We are requesting books for children from birth to 6-years old.
These include: board books, story books and books referencing letters, shapes, animals, colors and numbers. Books in Spanish are also desired.
The Little Hands Book Bank is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity.